The Andres Insititute of Art Sculpture Park, Brookline, NH
Two things I love to do in my spare time. Hike, get out in nature, and enjoy art. So when my friend asked me to go hiking with her on an art nature walk, I enthusiastically agreed. I packed my camera and some trail mix and met her at the head of the trail.
She told me that this mountain we were on was owned by an engineer named Paul Andres. He had started to purchase sculptures and place them in the woods around his house when he met master sculptor John M. Weidman, who lived nearby. Their plan was hatched. They co-founded a non-profit organization and proceeded to pepper the beautiful property with outdoor sculptures from artists around the world. Every year they hold a sculpture symposium where the artists arrive and create the sculptures according to a theme.
So we, the art and nature loving public, can benefit from the lovely walks throughout the property. So come join us. I hope these pictures bring you the peace, serenity and inspiration that we both felt.
And we took a peak into John Weidman's art studio on the property......
.....and took a lot of pictures along the way..........
............and sometimes suddenly thought we saw something moving in the woods!
.........or thought we heard a horn blow!
.............came across messages posted to trees............
..........and as we left we wondered at the thought of how wonderful it would be to be able to do the same thing. To place pieces of art out in nature around a house. Until that is possible, we agreed we would be happy to come back again and keep hiking to see all the other sculptures we missed on this day on other trails.