I have a passion for French doors. My love is a visual one, and it is stoked by the fact that there are so many of them and they are all unique in their own way.
Just look at these, which I found on a walk along the Seine in Paris. Even the color is exciting.
I grew up in New England and was used to very plain doors. Which is perhaps why, when I am in France, I end up photographing so many of them. These were taken in Paris.
Hand carved, surprising, and the kind of door that makes one stop and think! What are you meant to find on the other side?!
I think behind this one was a convent.....so lovely, so inspiring. I love the little putti angels floating above the scene.
And I can never resist taking pictures of French Door knockers. So many are hand-crafted, stunning, heavy and impressive.
Some of the doors are wide enough to let a car through from the inner courtyard to the street. The Jour et Nuit sign on a door or near one tells you to expect a car to enter or leave, at any time of the day or night.
This is the door to a building I used to live in when I was a newlywed in Paris. I remember how heavy it was to push it open, and I rememer the sound of the click behind me when it shut.
It's like an outdoor museum. Each and every door a new discovery, a new piece of art.
And even if you find one that is transparent, French Doors are always a mystery.